
Discover new features and improvements to Moov.

A new way to refund

A new way to refund

Moov now provides the option to send a card reversal request. A reversal will either cancel a transfer or refund a transfer depending on the settlement status. If a transfer can be canceled, this reduces processing costs for the merchant and returns funds to cardholders quicker. Read more in our Reversals documentation.

Apple Pay

Payment methods for Apple Pay now include unique fingerprint detection, expiration date, and dynamic last four of the device-specific card number.

Micro-deposit update

Moov has updated the micro-deposit process. In addition to sending two micro-deposit credits, Moov initiates a debit to re-coup the credit amount. Each micro-deposit now has a range of up to .49¢.

Relaxed character restrictions

You have the ability to use more characters in account names, for example, characters like ñ are now accepted. The characters are converted before sending them off to certain payment rails with character restrictions. To see all accepted characters, you can view the name object in an individual’s profile in the create an account endpoint.

Bug fixes

An issue in the Payment methods Drop was resolved where the onResourceCreated event wasn’t firing when adding a bank account or card.

An issue with the way the foreignID and the created date was displayed in the business accounts’ Dashboard view has been corrected.


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