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Transfer timestamps

Moov has updated transfer timestamps to appear under the new railDetails object. The statusUpdates object is now deprecated.

Transfer timestamps

Moov now provides an additional layer of transparency on transfer status changes to provide customers with as much data as possible on where funds are at any given moment. Transfer timestamps are now available in the API and are coming to the Dashboard soon. These timestamps are helpful for those looking to:

  • Automate money movement flows based on when a transfer is originated
  • Know when a transfer completed to understand when the destination received the funds

When you use the transfer GET endpoint, we now provide a statusUpdates object where you can view a transfer’s status. Specifically:

source.cardDetails.statusUpdates now contains the following timestamps:

  • initiated
  • confirmed
  • settled
  • completed
  • canceled
  • failed

source.achDetails.statusUpdates and destination.achDetails.statusUpdates now contain the following timestamps:

  • initiated
  • originated
  • completed
  • corrected
  • returned

If a transfer has completed, the top-level response on the transfer GET endpoint will include a completedOn timestamp field. If the transfer has not completed, the completedOn timestamp will not appear.


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