Updates to branding options, Moov.js & more

Branding options
Business accounts now have the ability to set brand colors for light and dark modes. You can choose and set brand colors in the Dashboard settings or with the enrichment API. Brand colors help your customers identify your brand throughout Moov’s hosted onboarding process.
Linking a bank account will now send a request with the x-wait-for: payment-method
header, allowing for client apps to use the paymentMethodID
that comes back in the response.
Moov.js now includes methods for using Moov’s new [instant bank account verification](moov.accounts.bankAccounts.startMicroDepositVerification({accountID, bankAccountID})) flow.
moov.accounts.bankAccounts.startVerification({accountID, bankAccountID})
moov.accounts.bankAccounts.getVerification({accountID, bankAccountID})
moov.accounts.bankAccounts.completeVerification({accountID, bankccountID, code})
See the Moov.js docs for more information.
General improvements
- Improved the success rate of auto-fetching images for Moov accounts and financial institutions on linked bank accounts.
- Added
as an available field for use with Data Sync. - Dashboard sign in verification codes are delivered faster.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug with card fee assessments.
- Fixed a bug with American Express chargeback inquiry processing.
- Fixed a bug preventing date of birth from being entered in the Dashboard onboarding process.
- Fixed an issue where Moov account capabilities could be in a
status without requirements.