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Dashboard updates & bug fixes

Dashboard updates

  • More linked card details are now available in the Dashboard. If you’ve performed account name verification on a linked card, the results will be visible. Additionally, the card category will now show whether a card is consumer/commercial, or regulated/non-regulated

  • From the transfer details screen, you can now copy the accountID and the paymentMethodID from the source and destination cards.

  • You can now apply multiple transaction type filters for wallet transactions.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where multiple wallets were appearing for an account search. When assessing fees, you can now filter wallets based on the account facilitating the transfer.
  • Fixed a bug with synchronous cancellation response.
  • Fixed a bug where ACH and card status were not updating properly after a void.
  • Fixed a bug where not all transfers were appearing in the list transfers response.

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