
Every Moov account automatically comes with a Moov wallet, which serves as a funding source as you accumulate funds. At this time, wallets can’t be manually created, deleted or modified. They are read-only and are automatically created when a Moov account is associated with an application. For more context, read our wallets guide.


Get information on a specific Moov wallet (e.g., the available balance). The WALLETS_READ scope enum is required when making a request from the browser.

wallets.get(accountID, walletID)


Name Type Description
accountID string Account on which to request wallet
walletID string The ID for the wallet associated with an account




List the wallets associated with a Moov account. The WALLETS_READ scope enum is required when making a request from the browser.



Name Type Description
accountID string Account on which to request wallets




Get the details of a wallet transaction. The WALLETS_READ scope enum is required when making a request from the browser.

wallets.getTransaction(accountID, walletID, transactionID)


Name Type Description
accountID string UUID v4
walletID string UUID v4
transactionID string UUID v4




List the transactions in a wallet. The WALLETS_READ scope enum is required when making a request from the browser.

wallets.listTransactions(accountID, walletID, criteria)


Name Type Description
accountID string UUID v4
walletID string UUID v4
criteria WalletTransactionListCriteria Filtering criteria to limit the results returned.





Describes a Moov Wallet


Property Type Description
walletID string UUID v4
availableBalance Amount Balance based on all completed transactions against the wallet.
  "walletID": "ec7e1848-dc80-4ab0-8827-dd7fc0737b43",
  "availableBalance": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "value": 1204 // $12.04



Property Type Description
walletID string UUID v4
transactionID string UUID v4
transactionType WALLET_TRANSACTION_TYPE wallet transaction type.
sourceType WALLET_TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE where the transaction originated.
sourceID string ID of the source Moov object to which this transaction is related. Can be one of walletID, cardID, or bankAccountID.
status WALLET_TRANSACTION_STATUS wallet transaction status.
memo string Detailed description of the transaction.
createdOn string Date transaction was created.
completedOn string Date transaction was completed.
currency string 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
grossAmount integer The total transaction amount. The amount is in the smallest unit of the specified currency. In USD this is cents, so $12.04 is 1204 and $0.99 would be 99.
fee integer Total fees paid for the transaction. The amount is in the smallest unit of the specified currency. In USD this is cents, so $12.04 is 1204 and $0.99 would be 99.
netAmount integer Net amount is the gross amount less fees paid, and the amount that affects the wallet’s balance. The amount is in the smallest unit of the specified currency. In USD this is cents, so $12.04 is 1204 and $0.99 would be 99.
availableBalance integer The wallet’s total available balance after recording a completed transaction. The value is in the smallest unit of the specified currency. In USD this is cents, so $12.04 is 1204 and $0.99 would be 99.



Property Type Description
transactionType WALLET_TRANSACTION_TYPE Only return transactions of this type.
sourceType WALLET_TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE Only return transactions of this source type.
sourceID string Only return transactions that were part of this transfer ID.
status WALLET_TRANSACTION_STATUS Only return transactions in this state.
createdStartDateTime string Only return transactions created on or after this datetime.
createdEndDateTime string Only return transactions created before this datetime.
completedStartDateTime string Only return transactions completed on or after this datetime.
completedEndDateTime string Only return transactions completed before this datetime.
count number Maximum number of transactions to return in results
skip number Number of transactions to skip before collection results



Value Description
ACH_REVERSAL When an ach payment is returned, funds are either returned or taken from the wallet balance.
CARD_PAYMENT A payment that was made from a card.
CASH_OUT Transfer of funds out of a wallet to the account’s bank.
DISPUTE When a customer disputes a charge, the disputed amount is debited from the wallet.
DISPUTE_REVERSAL If a dispute is won by a merchant, funds will be credited back to their wallet.
FACILITATOR_FEE Fee earned on a transfer.
ISSUING_REFUND A refund on a purchase from a Moov issued card.
ISSUING_TRANSACTION An authorized purchase from a Moov issued card.
ISSUING_TRANSACTION_ADJUSTMENT If an authorized purchase is captured for more or less than the original authorization amount, an adjustment will be made to reflect the difference.
ISSUING_AUTH_RELEASE Any funds that were not captured from an authorized purchase from a Moov issued card will be released.
PAYMENT An ACH payment from a bank to the account’s wallet.
PAYOUT A payment from a wallet to another accounts bank.
REFUND When a refund is initiated, the requested refund amount is debited from the wallet.
REFUND_FAILURE To account for refund failures, a credit will be made back into the wallet.
TOP_UP Transfer of funds into a wallet from the account’s bank.
WALLET_TRANSFER Funds that move between Moov wallets.


Value Description
TRANSFER Transaction was part of a transfer.
DISPUTE Transaction was part of a dispute.
ISSUING_TRANSACTION Transaction was part of an issuing transaction.


Value Description
PENDING Transaction has not completed.
COMPLETED Transaction has completed.
FAILED Transaction failed.
Summary Beta