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Instant disbursements with push to card and RTP

Instant disbursements with push to card and RTP

Moov has enabled immediate payouts to linked debit cards and bank accounts via Visa Direct, Mastercard Send, and RTP. This feature is now fully available in test mode and to early adopters in production, with use cases for loan disbursements, gig payouts, and e-commerce settlements.

Instant disbursements unlocked

  • Around-the-clock availability: Execute payments to debit cards or bank accounts any time, including weekends and holidays.
  • Create new revenue streams: Offer end users the option for faster payments and leverage facilitator fees to unlock new revenue opportunities.

Push-to-card: Quick funds for debit card users

For enabled push to card customers, a new push-to-card payment method is automatically generated when an eligible debit card is linked to a Moov account. Transfer funds between a moov-wallet and push-to-card payment method and see them credited within 30 minutes or less.

RTP: Real-time bank transfers

With RTP, you can instantly transfer funds from a Moov wallet to eligible bank accounts. The rtp-credit payment method is automatically generated for eligible bank accounts and will automatically update as additional banks join the RTP network.

Available in test mode

View the push to card and RTP test mode guides to see how you can experience the full capabilities of instant disbursements on test accounts with pre-populated sample data.

Enable in production

To use instant disbursements in a production environment, contact our sales team.

Terms of service Moov Drop

Our new, pre-built terms of service Drop provides users links to our privacy policy and terms of service agreement. We’ll generate a token in the background that you can use to update the account to be compliant with Moov’s terms of service.

Disconnect accounts with the API

We’ve added a new DEL endpoint in the /accounts API. Provide the account and bank account IDs to disconnect an account. See the API reference for more information.

We’ve updated the link a card POST endpoint to save you time by including the payment method IDs for the card in the response. You’ll no longer need to make a separate call to retrieve them when immediately making a transfer after linking a card.

Failed transfer status update

If money fails to reach the destination in a wallet-to-bank transfer, the status will now appear as failed to align with our status definitions (previously, the status would appear as reversed). Historical transfer statuses will not be changed.


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