Pricing & fee plans

Moov offers flexible fee plans based on your needs. Choose a fee plan and assign it to a single merchant, or reuse fee plans for many merchants.

Use the hosted onboarding process to set up a plan and assign it to a merchant. Any fee plan you create can be reused for multiple merchants. A merchant is required to accept the fee plan and enter into a fee agreement contract before it can go into effect.

Set up fee plans

Select a standard plan, which has a $500 monthly transaction minimum, or set up a custom interchange plan. For some fees, you have the option of choosing an all-in model, or you can also assign specific fees based on fee types.

All fee plans must be accepted by the merchant. Any changes to existing fee plans must go through a Moov representative, and must be communicated and accepted by merchants before they can be implemented.

Choose a plan type

When you select a plan for a merchant, it will either be a standard flat rate or interchange cost plus plan. You can preview each plan’s pricing disclosure within the Dashboard.

Flat rate: With a flat rate plan, you can lump all the processing fees together with a flat rate customized for each merchant. Flat plans are beneficial for merchants with a low transaction volume that prefer a predictable solution over lowering cost as much as possible.

Cost plus: With a cost plus plan, card networks’ interchange fees and Moov’s processing markup are passed along to the merchant. Cost plus plans are beneficial for merchants with a high and varied transaction volume that prefer to have more control over fees. Fees are broken down into a more digestible and transparent format.

When you create a hosted onboarding link, select standard flat rate plan or interchange plus fee plan.

Choose billing plan

If needed, you can use the merchant’s account ID with the fees GET endpoint to list all fee plans available to assign to that merchant.

curl -X GET "{accountID}/fee-plans" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \

Pricing disclosure

When you set up a merchant with a fee plan, they’ll receive a pricing disclosure they need to accept. The pricing disclosure shows the rates for the following:

  • Card acquiring
  • Instant payments (AFT, OCT, RTP)
  • ACH
  • Transaction management fees
  • Platform fees
  • Network fees

View your merchant’s fee plan

If you need to make changes to a pricing model, such as increasing fees or changing the billing period, you must contact Moov.

To view a merchant’s fee plan, navigate to Accounts > Pricing in the Dashboard.

Billing fees

Pass the account ID to the fee plan agreements GET endpoint.

curl -X GET "{accountID}/fee-plan-agreements" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \

Billable events

A billable event is an action on Moov’s platform which triggers a fee assessment. Fees from billable events are assessed in real time and charged to the merchant’s wallet. The debit transaction from the merchant’s wallet contains the following properties.

  • transactionType: moov-fee
  • source: Can be one of transfer, dispute, or fee
  • memo: Describes the fee charged. For example, Fee for card payment.

Moov will roll up fees related to the same source. For example, a card payment transfer’s moov-fee will be the sum of all the fees that were charged for a successful card transfer. Typically, the moov-fee wallet transaction will be completed immediately after the source is in its final state.

US state and/or federally regulated financial institutions are exempt from beneficial ownership requirements.

Moov is required to certify all beneficial owners before an account can be verified. You have multiple options to onboard accounts. We suggest using our hosted onboarding process to create accounts when available.

If you’re adding owners through the representatives POST endpoint, for each owner, set isOwner to true, and provide the ownershipPercentage. Once all owners have been created, set ownersProvided to true using the accounts PATCH endpoint.

To view the full instructions and requirements, see the create accounts guide. The update accounts page has example requests for ownersProvided.

Fee details

The general transfer response will include moovFees, which provides a high-level fee details associated with processing, refunds, disputes, and returns. Processing will incur a fee on a successful transfer, a voided transfer, and on authorization.

"moovFees": {
  "processing": 2.50 //nullable 
  "refund": 1.00 //nullable
  "dispute": 3.00  //nullable
  "return": 1.00  //nullable
"feeIDs": ["UUID"]
"chargedTo": {
  "accountID": "account_123",
  "walletID": "wallet_123", //nullable
  "transferParty": "source" // "destination"

To retrieve more granular fee details, you can provide a number of queries (such as time period or dispute ID) to the fees GET endpoint. Additionally, you can provide one or multiple feeIDs to the fees POST endpoint.

  "accountID": "ec7e1848-dc80-4ab0-8827-dd7fc0737b43",
  "amount": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "valueDecimal": "12.987654321"
  "createdOn": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "feeID": "ec7e1848-dc80-4ab0-8827-dd7fc0737b43",
  "feeName": "string",
  "generatedBy": {
    "transferID": "ec7e1848-dc80-4ab0-8827-dd7fc0737b43"
  "walletID": "ec7e1848-dc80-4ab0-8827-dd7fc0737b43"

Merchant communication

You are responsible to your merchants for communication regarding pricing models. Any changes or updates to a fee plan must be communicated to and accepted by merchants. If you use Moov’s hosted onboarding process, Moov sends the pricing disclosure with the onboarding link.

Summary Beta