Moov accounts

Learn how to create, connect, and update accounts on Moov’s platform.

When you sign up for the Moov Dashboard, we will create an account for you. Your account is different from other Moov accounts. Your account:

  • Facilitates money movement
  • Is hidden in your list of accounts
  • Can be used as a source or destination in a transfer
  • Can be updated through the settings page in the Dashboard

When interacting with transfers via Moov.js or any client-side integration, you must specify your accountID for the following scopes:

  • /accounts/{accountID}/transfers.write
  • /accounts/{accountID}/

Once your account is created, you can create individual or business accounts for each of your users. Every account requires a profile with information describing the legal entity associated with it. You will need to create nerchant accounts through one of the following ways:

Explore the pages in this section for more information on account creation and management.

Bank accounts, payment cards, and transfer activity are all associated with singular Moov accounts and can be easily monitored on your platform. For example, if someone changes their linked bank account, all past activity remains associated with their Moov account.

Your agreement with Moov may include a cost per active verified Moov account. Verified Moov accounts have gone through KYC checks which are initiated by opting into certain capabilities. The capabilities that have been selected may impact the price of each verified account.

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