Get bank account verification

Retrieve the current status and details of an instant verification, including whether the verification method was instant or same-day ACH. This helps track the verification process in real-time and provides details in case of exceptions.

The status will indicate the following:

  • new: Verification initiated, credit pending to the payment network
  • sent-credit: Credit sent, available for verification
  • failed: Verification failed, description provided, user needs to add a new bank account
  • expired: Verification expired after 14 days, initiate another verification
  • max-attempts-exceeded: Five incorrect code attempts exhausted, initiate another verification

To access this endpoint using an access token you’ll need to specify the /accounts/{accountID}/ scope.

curl -X GET "{accountID}/bank-accounts/{bankAccountID}/verify" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \
200 401 403 404 429 500 504
The request completed successfully.
  "exceptionDetails": {
    "achReturnCode": "R02",
    "description": "string",
    "rtpRejectionCode": "AC03"
  "status": "new",
  "verificationMethod": "instant"


string <uuid> required
A unique identifier used to trace requests.
The request contained missing or expired authentication.


string <uuid> required
A unique identifier used to trace requests.
The user is not authorized to make the request.


string <uuid> required
A unique identifier used to trace requests.
The requested resource was not found.


string <uuid> required
A unique identifier used to trace requests.
Request was refused due to rate limiting.


string <uuid> required
A unique identifier used to trace requests.
The request failed due to an unexpected error.


string <uuid> required
A unique identifier used to trace requests.
The request failed because a downstream service failed to respond.


string <uuid> required
A unique identifier used to trace requests.



API version

Specify an API version.

API versioning follows the format vYYYY.QQ.BB, where

  • YYYY is the year
  • QQ is the two-digit month for the first month of the quarter (e.g., 01, 04, 07, 10)
  • BB is the build number, starting at .01, for subsequent builds in the same quarter.
    • For example, v2024.01.00 is the initial release of the first quarter of 2024.

The latest version represents the most recent development state. It may include breaking changes and should be treated as a beta release.

Default: v2024.01.00

Path parameters


string <uuid> required


string <uuid> required




string<enum> required
Possible values: new, sent-credit, max-attempts-exceeded, failed, expired, successful


string<enum> required
Possible values: instant, ach


Reason for, and details related to, an errored or verificationFailed bank account status.
Show child attributes


string<enum> required

The return code of an ACH transaction that caused the bank account status to change.

  • R02: Account Closed
  • R03: No Account/Unable to Locate Account
  • R04: Invalid Account Number
  • R05: Improper Debit to Consumer Account
  • R07: Authorization Revoked by Customer
  • R08: Payment Stopped
  • R10: Customer Advises Originator is Not Known or Authorized to Receiver
  • R11: Customer Advises Entry Not in Accordance with the Terms of the Authorization
  • R12: Branch Sold to Another DFI
  • R13: RDFI not qualified to participate
  • R14: Representative payee deceased or unable to continue in that capacity
  • R15: Beneficiary or bank account holder
  • R16: Bank account frozen
  • R17: Entry with Invalid Account Number Initiated Under Questionable Circumstances
  • R20: Non-payment bank account
  • R23: Credit entry refused by receiver
  • R29: Corporate customer advises not authorized
  • R34: Limited participation RDFI
  • R38: Stop Payment on Source Document (Adjustment Entry)
  • R39: Improper Source Document
Possible values: R02, R03, R04, R05, R07, R08, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R20, R23, R29, R34, R38, R39


string required
Details related to an errored or verificationFailed bank account status.


string<enum> required

The rejection code of an RTP transaction that caused the bank account status to change.

  • AC03: Account Invalid
  • AC04: Account Closed
  • AC06: Account Blocked
  • AC14: Creditor Account Type Invalid
  • AG01: Transactions Forbidden On Account
  • AG03: Transaction Type Not Supported
  • MD07: Customer Deceased
Possible values: AC03, AC04, AC06, AC14, AG01, AG03, MD07