Bank accounts

To transfer money with Moov, you’ll need to link a bank account to your Moov account, then verify that account. You can link a bank account to a Moov account by providing the bank account number, routing number, and Moov account ID.

We require micro-deposit verification to reduce the risk of fraud or unauthorized activity. You can verify a bank account by initiating micro-deposits, sending two small credit transfers to the bank account you want to confirm. Note that there is no way to initiate a micro-deposit from your bank of choice.

You can simulate bank account payment methods in test mode. See our test mode guide for more information.

Alternatively, you can link and verify a bank account in one step through an instant account verification token from a third party provider like Plaid or MX. Bank accounts can have the following statuses: new, pending, verified, verificationFailed, errored. Learn more by reading our guide on bank accounts.