Manage issued card transactions

Learn how to manage your issued cards by understanding authorization statuses, event tracking, and viewing issuing activity in the Moov wallet.
*Card issuing is currently in a closed beta. Contact us for more information.

Once you’ve created a virtual spending card with Moov, you’ll want to keep track of how the card is being used, and address any issues that may arise. Read more for details on how to manage your issued cards.

Understand authorization statuses

Whenever a card is used at a merchant, Moov processes the authorization request to check that the cardholder has enough funds to cover the cost of that particular transaction. The outcomes of an authorization request can be tracked through the card authorization API.

Understanding the status of each authorization helps you to address any issues that may arise:

Status Description
pending The authorization has been approved, and funds are temporarily held pending final settlement.
declined The request was declined, possibly due to reasons like insufficient funds or an inactive card.
canceled The authorization was reversed by the merchant before final settlement.
cleared The transaction has been captured by the merchant and funds have moved.
expired The authorization expired before being settled by the merchant.

Track authorization by stage

Moov provides detailed tracking of each stage of the card authorization process, which can be accessed through the authorization events LIST endpoint.

This endpoint returns an array of authorization events that have occurred, potentially leading to updates of the authorizedAmount and accompanying amount being held as pending on the wallet balance.

Here’s a summary of the different types of authorization events we capture:

Event type Description
authorization A new transaction authorization has been requested.
reversal Some amount of the authorization has been reversed.
authorization-advice Adjustment of the originally authorized amount.
authorization-expiration Authorization hold expired, releasing the held funds.
clearing The merchant has captured the whole or a partial amount of the authorization.
authorization-incremental Request for increasing the initially authorized amount.

See below for an exammple of an authorization event:

    "amount": "-14.89",
    "createdOn": "2024-03-24T14:15:22Z",
    "eventID": "ec7e1848-dc80-4ab0-8827-dd7fc0737b43",
    "eventType": "authorization",
    "result": "approved"
    "amount": "-14.89",
    "createdOn": "2024-03-26T14:15:22Z",
    "eventID": "dc856489-de10-4816-b3cf-842639f4e2bc",
    "eventType": "clearing",
    "result": "approved"

View completed card transactions

To view all completed card transactions associated with a particular account, use the list card transactions GET endpoint and include your customer’s accountID. A 200 response will include:

  • authorizationID: The identifier for the related authorization resource. If a transaction is submitted by a merchant without a prior authorization (a “force post”), this field will be null.
  • authorizedOn: The timestamp when the linked authorization was created.

View issuing activity in the Moov wallet

All activities related to card issuing, such as authorizations and transactions, directly affect the balance of the associated Moov wallet. Each action creates a corresponding wallet transaction, providing a clear trail of funds movement. To learn more, read our wallet transactions guide.

Card issuing activity can produce the following types of wallet transactions:

  • issuing-auth-hold: Funds are reserved on the wallet balance due to an approved authorization. Any incremental authorizations result in additional wallet transactions reflecting the amount of the increment.
  • issuing-auth-release: Held funds are released back to the wallet due to an authorization reversal, expiration, or when the authorization is cleared.
  • issuing-transaction: Reflects funds moving out of the wallet from a cleared authorization, a refund, or a force post.

Each wallet transaction includes identifiers linking it directly to the issuing activity:

transactionType sourceType sourceID
issuing-auth-hold issuing-authorization authorizationID
issuing-auth-release issuing-authorization authorizationID
issuing-transaction issuing-transaction cardTransactionID

Update an issued card

To update an issued card, you can use the update a spending card PATCH endpoint. This endpoint currently only supports closing a virtual spending card.

Summary Beta