Fund a wallet
This guide covers how to fund a Moov wallet with a transfer. If you’re looking to use a bank-to-wallet transfer to fund wallets and haven’t yet added a bank account for the Moov account, see our step by step guide on adding bank accounts. Once you’ve funded a Moov wallet, its balance can be spent by issued cards.
Fund a wallet
You will be creating a funding transfer from a source (such as a bank account, card, or another wallet) to a Moov account’s wallet.
Get accountID
The first step is identifying theaccountID
for the Moov account with the wallet you would like to fund. If you don’t already have it, you can use the list accounts GET
endpoint as shown below.
Select the payment methods for the transfer
Get the paymentMethodIDs
to use as the source and destination when creating a transfer in the next step.
List payment methods reference
List payment methods reference
List payment methods reference
A successful response will return an array of payment methods of different types. For the transfer source, you’ll select the payment method ID associated with the payment method type you’d like to use (such as ach-debit-fund
For the transfer destination, choose the payment method ID associated with the moov-wallet
payment method type.
Create the transfer
Using the payment method IDs you got from step 2, you can now initiate a transfer. Once the transfer has completed, the funds will settle in the destination wallet.
Create transfer reference
Create transfer reference
Next steps
After you’ve successfully funded a wallet, you can spend these funds using issued cards. As funds flow in and out of Moov wallets, you’ll also want to know how to manage a wallet balance.