Card account updater

Learn how you can set up cards to automatically receive updates.
If you’re interested in using the card account updater service, you’ll need to reach out to your Moov relationship manager, or contact support.

What is a card account updater?

A card account updater is a solution that helps businesses ensure that customer credit card information is up-to-date. The card account updater automatically updates payment information when a card has expired or been replaced, eliminating the need to contact cardholders to obtain new information.

When details change on a card linked to Moov, such as the card number or the expiration date, Moov’s card account updater service will automatically update the information on your behalf.

Set cardOnFile

You must follow the instructions to save a card for future use during card linking to use the card account updater service.

If cardOnFile was set to true during the card linking and verification process, the card will be stored and opted in to automatic updates from the issuer.

The merchantAccountID is also set during card linking and verification, and specifies two things:

  • The merchant that is authorized to store card details
  • The merchant that will be billed for updates

By default, cardOnFile is set to false, and merchantAccountID is set to your platform’s account ID. To update a linked card’s cardOnFile or merchantAccountID, and opt-in to automatic updates from the issuer, you can use the card PATCH endpoint.

View updated card details

The card networks will communicate the following types of updates:

Update type Description Action
number-update A new account number has been provided, or a new account number and expiration date has been provided PAN is updated with new record
expiration-update A new expiration date has been provided Expiration is updated with new record
contact-cardholder A match was found, but the account information on file may not be current Merchant should contact cardholder
account-closed The account is closed (possibly due to permanent closure or fraud ) Merchant should disable card

You can view the last update to the card by using the card GET endpoint. In the response, you’ll receive the last update type and the date the details were updated on.

  "cardID": "ec7e1848-dc80-4ab0-8827-dd7fc0737b43",
  "cardAccountUpdater": {
    "updateType": "number-update",
    "updatedOn": "datetime"


An event is fired when there’s an update to any of the following card details:

  • number-update
  • expiration-update
  • contact-cardholder
  • account-closed

Use the card.autoUpdated webhook, which will respond with the following event payload:

 "eventID": "14980a04-2e32-4921-a771-4959a36534a6",
 "type": "card.autoUpdated", 
 "data": {
   "cardID": "51015d0d-8dca-49a0-ba70-abfed073f785",
   "accountID": "51015d0d-8dca-49a0-ba70-abfed073f785", 
   "updateType": "number-update"
 "createdOn": "2021-09-02T13:57:50Z"

If you’d like to learn more about webhooks, view the webhooks guide.

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