Request capabilities

Request capabilities for accounts, and learn how they determine the actions an account can perform.

Moov has different data and verification requirements depending on the capability, and whether the account represents an individual, or a business. You’ll request the necessary capabilities for an account, and Moov will perform verification checks (if any), and provide a status of pending, in-review, enabled, or disabled.

Transfers: With the transfers capability, you authorize debit transfers (receiving payments or being debited) to your account. Upon account approval and creation, the transfers capability will automatically be enabled.

Wallet: A Moov wallet allows an account to store funds within the Moov platform. The wallet capability is automatically requested when send-funds or collect-funds is enabled. It can also be requested on its own.

Send funds: The send-funds capability allows an account to send funds to another account.

Collect funds: The collect-funds capability is only available for business accounts. An account is able to collect or pull a payment from another account. If a transfer source uses the card-payment or ach-debit-collect payment method, the transfer destination must have this capability enabled.

Card issuing: The card-issuing capability allows a platform to issue a virtual card to a customer, and lets them use their wallet to fund that card. Card issuing is currently in a closed beta — contact our team if you have a use case for card issuing. See the issue cards guide for more information.

Payment methods

Each payment method will require certain capabilities. Use the following as a guide.

Payment method Details Required capabilities
card-payment Initiate a payment from a linked credit or debit card transfers, wallet
pull-from-card Instantly pull funds from a supported debit or prepaid card to an external account transfers, wallet, collect-funds
ach-debit-fund Fund payouts or add funds from a linked bank account transfers, wallet, send-funds
ach-debit-collect Pull funds for bill payment, direct debit, or e-check type use-cases transfers, collect-funds
moov-wallet Fund payouts or withdraw funds from the Moov platform transfers, wallet
rtp-credit Disburse funds to a linked bank account in near real time send-funds, wallet
push-to-card Instantly push funds to a supported debit or prepaid card transfers, wallet, send-funds
ach-credit-standard Disburse funds to a linked bank account transfers, collect-funds
ach-credit-same-day Disburse funds to a linked bank account using same-day processing transfers, collect-funds
moov-wallet Fund payouts or withdraw funds from the Moov platform transfers, wallet

Visit the payment methods guide for more information.

Request capabilities

Make sure an account meets our requirements before requesting each capability.

You can request multiple capabilities upon account creation, or request additional capabilities later. If you request a capability by mistake, you can disable it.

The create an account flow in the Moov Dashboard will bring you through the request capabilities flow. A pending status indicates outstanding requirements. You’ll receive a notification in the Dashboard with next steps. An in-review status indicates that all requirements are met, but Moov is still reviewing the request.

If you would prefer to use the API, you can use the request capabilities endpoint.

After you’ve requested capabilities, certain business types will need to provide Moov with a list of financial owners.

Request capabilities after account creation

The following examples demonstrate how to request all four capabilities after an account has already been created.

curl -X POST "{accountID}/capabilities" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" \
  --data-raw '{
    "capabilities": [
mc, _ := moov.NewClient()

var accountID string

mc.RequestCapabilities(ctx, accountID,
const moov = Moov(token);

const accountID = "accountID";
const capabilities = [

moov.accounts.capabilities.request({accountID, capabilities});

Financial ownership

US state and/or federally regulated financial institutions are exempt from beneficial ownership requirements.

Moov is required to certify all beneficial owners before an account can be verified. You have multiple options to onboard accounts. We suggest using our hosted onboarding process to create accounts when available.

If you’re adding owners through the representatives POST endpoint, for each owner, set isOwner to true, and provide the ownershipPercentage. Once all owners have been created, set ownersProvided to true using the accounts PATCH endpoint.

To view the full instructions and requirements, see the create accounts guide. The update accounts page has example requests for ownersProvided.

Outstanding pending capabilities

The Dashboard will display a notice if an account has missing requirements for a requested capability. You can also set up a webhook to listen for events related to capability requests.

If a capability remains in a pending status for 90 days, Moov will unrequest the capability, and remove outstanding requirements for the account. Moov unrequests outstanding pending capabilities to keep accounts and your Dashboard clean.

A pending capability that has been unrequested from an account can be requested again at any time.

Summary Beta