
Moov is required to verify your account. Upload documents for verification purposes.

Navigate to Settings > Documents to view or upload documents needed to verify your account.

Moov requires documents for a number of use cases including but not limited to, business and representative verification and underwriting. Below are the parameters for uploading files:

  • Max size: 10 MB
  • Max number of files per account: 50
  • Acceptable file types: CSV, JPG, PDF, PNG

Upload documents from the Dashboard

Once a file has been uploaded, it will have a status of pending until Moov has reviewed the document. Depending on the requirements the document was intended to satisfy, Moov will review the file and either approve or reject the file, and its status will change to approved or rejected accordingly.

Note that only team members with administrator roles can view uploaded documents.

If you need to delete a document, or upload more than 50 files for an account, please contact Moov support. For security purposes, after a document has been uploaded, account holders can no longer view that document (only Moov admins can view uploaded files).

If you need to upload documents for any of your users’ accounts, navigate to Accounts in the Dashboard and select an account. Visit the accounts guide for more information.
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