Payment methods

View and manage payment methods associated with your account.

Navigate to Settings > Payment methods to view and edit payment methods connected to your account.

Payment methods in the Dashboard

Payment methods

All payment methods that have been added to an account will be displayed, along with their status. Clicking on a payment method will show additional details, such as the cardholder’s information, status reason, and the available payment method destinations.

You can also take action on an account, such as finishing verification, or removing the bank account.

Wallet transactions

The payment methods page will also display the total value of all your wallet transactions. In the three-dot menu, you can add funds to your wallet, cash it out, or copy wallet IDs.

Click View transactions to enter the Wallet section of the Dashboard, where you’ll see an itemized list of all wallet transactions. Clicking on a transaction will show additional details, such as the transaction source, destination, and ID.

View the Dashboard wallet guide for more information.

Summary Beta